About the pose

In Ustrasana, Ustra means Camel and Asana means Pose and hence the name Camel Pose. In this beautiful pose, in the final position body looks like that of a Camel. With the entire spine bent backwards, the chest and upper abdomen look like the back of a Camel. In this pose, stress is upon the thighs and the entire back that is leaning backwards and inwards. Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is considered as an intermediate level pose and comes under the category of backbend yoga poses.

In this pose the movement of the body with perfect alignment is essential. As the back is arched to the maximum, the connection of the breath with the movement of the back should happen very consciously. The tail bone is slowly pushed in towards the naval and tightens the pelvic area. Making sure the lower abdomen is also pulled in and upwards thus giving room for the lower spine to settle deeper inside making the pose more comfortable. Chest should be expanded and contracted at the right time to move into the pose. It is always good to have the guidance of an experienced teacher while learning this pose for the first time.

Camel Pose is considered a base pose as camel pose variations can be derived from this pose. Camel Pose helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.


Camel Pose benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequences with the corresponding muscle(s) focus:

  • Lower Back
  • Middle Back
  • Upper Back
  • Core (Abs)
  • Chest
  • Knees
  • Neck
  • Pelvic
  • Psoas
  • Quadriceps

How to do the pose

  • Come onto your knees, place them hip-width apart, and then tuck your toes.
  • Engage your inner thighs, draw your lower belly in and up, and roll your shoulders back
  • On an inhalation, lengthen through both side waists, lift the chest up,
  • With the lower body stable, on an exhale start to come into your backbend keeping the chest lifted and without crunching the neck or lower back
  • As you lean back, find your blocks or heels with your hands – or you can do this one side at a time by circling one arm up and behind you
  • Keep your inner thighs engaged, firm the shoulder blades into the back and stay for a couple of breaths
  • Use your inhalation to help you come back up, then sit on your heels with a neutral spine for a moment.

Beginners tips

  • If your hands don’t comfortably reach your heels use blocks on the side of each foot or place your hands on your hips instead
  • Try placing a block between your thighs and squeeze it to activate your inner thighs
  • Visualise lifting your breast bone to the sky.


  • Helps with mobility in the shoulders and upper back
  • Stretches the whole front of the body
  • Strengthens the legs and back.
  • Improves your posture
  • Energizes body and mind.

Watch out for

  • If you have any tension or sensitivity in your neck, or if you feel lightheaded, keep your neck in a neutral position or with the chin towards the chest so that the back of the neck stays long and relaxed
  • If you have a back injury, a more gentle backbend like Cobra or Sphinx pose may be more suitable – please check with your medical practitioner for specific advice
  • Use a blanket under your knees or double up your mat to reduce any knee sensitivity Note – this will raise your knees and so may mean your hands have further to reach back to your heels, so use blocks if needed.



  • You can work on the opening in the chest, lifting your breast bone as you inhale, shoulder blades firm on the back. Keep your hands on the lower back for support and pay attention to keeping length in the lumbar area
  • Try this pose with the front of your body against a wall. Keep pressing the thighs to the wall as you bend backwards
  • If you can easily take hold of your heels try pointing your toes back instead of tucking them under

Celine - camel tucked toes


Model Céline Pannier – An Ambassador of Beinks
Yoga Mat b’EARTH  &  b’EARTH X by Beinks
Photographer Sophie Dupont
Content Tummee & Ekhart Yoga

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