“Be like water, my friend”
We first met Céline at a petit cafe shop in Caen in a pleasant summer afternoon. Good coffee, French music, and yoga common spirit brought up a nice conversation between us. We were in love with her French accent and had good laugh with her tricky sense of humour Our casual conversation went on & on for hours, but we make it short in an interview format to share with you all some of interesting things about Céline.
Q: What’s your background, Céline?
A: I’m a dance teacher. I did ballet and as a fan of jazz music, I decided to teach jazz dance. I began yoga at the age of 26 because I felt it would be a good way to protect my “overused” dancing body. At this time , yoga helped me more in a physical way to stay tuned with my sensations and not to hurt myself…My personnal practice of yoga during over 20 years, plus many many anatomy courses and study of body in motion have made me a fan of biomechanics and I just love understanding how our body works so cleverly. Meanwhile I discovered the immensity of yoga philosophy and way of life !
Q: How did you decide to teach yoga (besides dance)?
A: In 2013, I followed a YogaWorks teacher training with Céline Antoine, a French expatriate in New York. That was an amazing experience in Paris … and it deepens my soul !!! Since then I began to teach and have never stopped learning & practicing for myself. I’m certified in Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga and Nidra. At the moment I’m in the middle of a mindfulness training … I love that method to bring more peace to people.
Q: What do your students often think about your classes and way of teaching?
A: Haha… nice question. I think they love the precision in the way I instruct, and my own way to bring people to focus on what they can feel deeply (it’s quite an art ) Some shared they loved my kindness, simplicity, sense of humour and accessibility in the relationships I have with people around me. I guess, they also enjoy the flow of movements/asanas of my class. With my dance background, you know I can sometimes bring lots of colors to my practice and classes. I can be very creative (haha)!
Q: What do you do if you are not on the mat?
A: As a French woman, I love cooking, having a good glass of wine talking with friends, going to theatre and enjoying life at every moment (all that with gratitude and mindfulness)
What Beinks mat(s) do you own?
What is your experience with Beinks that inspires you to represent us?
A down to earth mat with decent quality and reasonable pricing. Care for the environment.