About the pose

In Chakrasana, ‘Chakra’ means ‘wheel’ and hence the English title ‘Wheel Pose’. The body in this pose is curved to look like a wheel. We could categorize this pose under the advanced level of yoga poses and also under the lying down yoga poses. It is also classified as part of the Back Bends Asanas.

This unusual pose and movement of the body brings the energy of the body at ease and builds immense self confidence. You trust your entire body to remain in Chakrasana thus giving importance to optimism. A student needs to have full faith in his or her yoga teacher to practice this pose. It is also essential for the teacher to make full use of the understanding of his/her students before venturing into this pose. The strength required to go into this pose at the arms, shoulders, chest, lower back, legs, feet and neck is essential. Bringing the weight of the body at the feet and hands equally comes with practice. This beautiful pose and the flow of the body into this pose are described in this article.

Wheel Pose is considered a base pose as wheel pose variations can be derived from this pose. Wheel Pose helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.


Wheel Pose benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequences with the corresponding muscle(s) focus:

  • Lower Back
  • Biceps and Triceps
  • Core (Abs)
  • Chest
  • Neck
  • Psoas
  • Quadriceps

How to do the pose

  • Make sure you are fully warmed up first.
  • Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart, a comfortable distance away from your hips. You want to be able to ground through your feet.
  • Place your hands flat on the mat either side of your head, fingers pointing towards the shoulders, elbows pointing up.
  • Press the shoulders down into the floor – feel how that opens and even lifts the chest somewhat. Press your inner feet down to keep your knees from falling out to the sides and to activate your glutes.
  • On an inhalation, lift only the hips to the ceiling. Stay here for a breath or two.
  • Inhale and press into your hands to lift your body up. You can come either onto the crown of the head first (keeping the weight in your hands) or press up in one movement, straightening your arms as much as possible.
  • Once up in Wheel pose, think about length in the front body and an even arch in your back so you are not hinging in the lower back – you may scoop your tailbone forward slightly.
  • Work up to holding the pose for 5-10 breaths.
  • To come out, exhale and look up to the ceiling as you lower yourself down to the floor, chin to your chest, taking care not to land directly on the top of your head.

Beginners tips

  • Work on Bridge pose and shoulder mobility poses to help prepare for the front body opening.
  • To prevent your knees and feet from splaying out to the sides, pay particular attention to your inner thighs, engaging them to rotate your thighs inwards, thereby stabilizing your knees.
  • Place blocks (their short edge) against a wall, shoulder distance apart and place the heel of your hand on the edge of the prop. Use the same actions as outlined above in the Step by Step section to come into the pose.
  • Use a strap around your upper arms and a block between your thighs.


  • Strengthens your wrists, arms, shoulders, back and thighs.
  • Opens the shoulders, chest, hip flexors, quadriceps
  • Increases your energy.
  • Creates space in the ribcage and diaphragm helping you breathe fully.

Watch out for

  • Depending on your body structure, you may find that your feet feel more comfortable and grounded pointing slightly outwards. However, try to keep them as parallel as is comfortably possible.
  • Keep your upper arms rotating outwards, helping to keep your elbows in line with your shoulders.
  • When coming out of the pose, tuck your chin towards your chest, lengthening the neck to gently lower down on the back of your shoulders and head.



  • For a variation of the pose, once you’re fully confident and can hold the pose for 10 breaths, explore lifting one leg at a time up to the ceiling.


Model Robin (Yoga Peda) – An Ambassador of Beinks
Yoga Mat b’EARTH  &  b’EARTH X by Beinks
Photographer Sophie Dupont
Content Tummee & Ekhart Yoga

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